August 2022

Best CMS (Content Managment System) of 2022

A CMS or Content management system I a software that enables you to easily manage content and develop website. Normally websites are done with the help of HTML, CSS and Javascript so if you want to develop a website you need to know above languages at minimum. What CMS does is enables you to build a website without knowledge of any language.How to choose a CMS platform that best suits you?There are a lot of different CMS platforms to choose from , but the one that will suit you based on your needs can be found based on below factors.  Ease of Use You shall have a CMS that makes content creation and editing easy. It shall have Drag and Drop option so that creation/editing is easy. Design options CMS shall have a number of design template available so you can choose the one based on your needs and these designs shall be easy to edit as well. Data Portability A great CMS shall have tools to easily migrate your data from one server to another. Because you might change your hosting provider or your physical server and you will need to send your CMS to the new location so having a platform that supports easy migration will help a lot Extensions Websites are different they need functionalities that may be unique to them or maybe their looks are different for a CMS to fulfill all these requirements is very difficult that is why CMS have extensions that can be added to them to add features. Extensions are software that can be installed on to the CMS system Support options Though CMS main feature is to provide simplicity in website development but you might still get stuck somewhere, have questions or might need recommendations.Some CMS platforms might have a FAQ, customer service team or any other support methods finding the one with best support will help you in the long run. Cost Some CMS platforms are fully free other charge monthly fee. Even if you go with the free CMS platform you will need to pay for the 3rdparty extensions to provide additional features.With these points in mind let’s look some of the beast CMS platforms   WordPress WordPress is number one choice among CMS platforms. It’s the world’s most popular CMS software, and it powers around 43% of all websites on the internet. WordPress have a ton of extensions/plugin you can use to give all the features to your site. WordPress can be used for any type of website online shop, Restaurants, Blogging and many more. With wordpress you will need to host your wordpress yourself. There are tons of benefits of develop a website with wordpress. Advantages WordPress offers all kinds of websites(online store, auction site, membership site, etc). WordPress well designed for search engine optimization (SEO). It’s easy to create SEO-friendly URLs, categories, and tags for your posts. You can also choose from a number of SEO Plugins. No coding knowledge needed to build website in wordpress With wordpress you can download all your extensions, making migration easy There are a ton of WordPress themes and plugins available, both paid and free. There is a big WordPress community to assist you in the time of need Disadvantages You need to do everything yourself, Finding Hosting, Domain, Doing Backups and maintaining security Because wordpress has so many features and extensions it sometimes become overwhelming.  PricingWordPress is free of cost and you don’t need to pay anything but you still need to getDomain name which on average costs around 10-20 Australian Dollars per yearHosting which will cost around 10 AUD, keep in mind that there are a lot of hosting plans with different features. HubSpot Hubspot is a content management system that is specially designed for marketers and business owners. Because it was built on top of Hubspot’s CRM platform with included all kinds of marketing automation ,services ,sales and operations tools. CMS Hubspot is great option for growing businesses and large organizationsAdvantages It is easy to use, even if you don’t have technical knowledge their drag and drop editor makes it fairly easy They have smart features that can target specific visitors or a special group It is easy to customize by developers CMS hup is good with security, it comes with a web application firewall and a dedicated security team Disadvantage Hubspot does not have a free version Hubspot CMS is not very good for E-commerce websites. But it can be integrated with WordPress and Woocommerce Joomla Joomla is a popular and free CMS platform which have a lot of extensions and templates. Released in 2005 it has a great history. There are a lot of hosting companies that offer 1 click install for joomla. It is great for experienced developers but not that good for beginnersPros t comes with a lot of options and flexibilities. Good choice if developing something complex While it is best for developers but you can use it without coding as well Big community support Can be used for e-commerce business there are a lot of plugins for joomla Cons It is pretty complex. Most of the time you will need a developer to assist you Compared to wordpress there aren’t that many extentions available Some thime there are compatibility issues if you have a lot of extensions installed PricingJoomla is free of cost but you will need to pay for Domain name, Hosting provider and sometime for extensions and plugins WooCommerce Woocommerce is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms, it is easy to use and very flexible. Though Woocommerce itself is not a CMS but rather a plugin that can be added to WordPress to bring in the e-commerce functionalities. It still has 5.8 % of market.Pros Woocommerce is free of cost but you will need hosting domain name There are a lot of themes available for woocommerce to design your store There are a lot of plugins for wooCommerce to give you all the required features You can seel digital

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Wireless VS wired network; which one to chose ?

Its challenging to decide to have, Wireless VS wired network which one to choose. Knowing the differences between both can help you choose which is ideal for your organization.   It is understood that setting up wireless network is easy, you just do basic initial configuration of wireless access point. Then connect your computer or mobile phone to it and they will remember the password so you don’t need to do anything else. But still we see a wired network everywhere. So lets compare both networks and see which one is better wired or wireless.  1. Security While WIFI has come a long way since it was initially developed, there are a lot of security protocols and encryptions to keep you save but signal of a wireless network is pushed beyond your office/home which enables others to launch an attach on your network on the other hand a wired network stays within your area and if installed correctly will provide you a better security than wireless networks.  2. Speed Wireless device found in market are packed with more speed than an average user will ever need but if you are doing a lot of HD video streaming, gaming, Data backups you will feel the low speed of a wireless network. A wired network is always faster than WiFi as it uses dedicated wire for each device.  3. Reliability Though wireless connections are pretty much reliable these days, but nothing beats reliability of a wired network. WiFi networks are prone to interference from other signals may they be from another WiFi router or other wireless devices. Also wireless networks have the disadvantage when against thick walls. On the other hand a wired network is unaffected by all these and gives the best reliability.   4. Latency Latency is the delay in your network before data is transmitted so best network is the one with the lower latency, latency is important for some specific systems and usage like when you are doing an online game, if you have high latency your moves will appear to be jerky and not smooth comparatively. You are more likely to have low latency with wired network.   5. Installation This is where wireless network is the clear winner. With a WIFI you don’t need to do Ducting in walls or ceiling, you don’t have to make extra effort to hide the ugly wires everywhere, also you don’t need any professional help setting up WiFi all you need to do is connect the WIFI access point and do some basic setup.  Moreover, with WIFI you don’t need to keep a list of all wires and know which one goes where. There is no effect of environment on the WIFI networks but wires can decay if they get wet they can even be destroyed by rats or other animals.   6. Mobility With a wired network you are stuck at a single location and cant do much about it. But a WIFI network gives you the ability to roam around. You can be doing your job or entertainment from any room you prefer.Conclusion Both Wireless and Wired networks exist in 2022 and will remain in future, which one you use depends entirely on you and what you do.  If you are working with highly sensitive data and speed, reliability is at highest importance then wired network is the best solution, on the other hand if low cost, ease of installation, mobility and easy maintenance is what you are looking for then WIFI will be the ideal solution. Knowing the differences between both can help you choose which is ideal for your organization.  Knowing the differences between Wireless VS wired network helps you to choose which is ideal for your organization. For more update you can follow Trusted Eagle IT which is the best IT company in Australia.  

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6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Graphic Design For Business

The marketing of your brand cannot be done without graphic design, which also helps you interact with customers more successfully. Since communicating or transmitting a message from the sender to the intended receiver—in this case, the customers—is graphic design’s primary function, it lies in the middle of the spectrum. Here are 6 reasons why you should hire a graphic designer:   1. Boost In Sales   Well thought graphics design can definitely increase your business sales. When people look at your creative and informative logo design, business card, brochure design and other material they get a good feeling about your business, they will even think that you deliver high quality product, services…etc.   Once your creative design has made a good impact on people majority of them will become your regular customer. This is due to your creative design helping the company by pitching them as a creative and reliable brand to the market. Hence it can be said that graphic design plays a vital role in growth of a company.   2. Establishing The Brand Name   while build a brand name Graphics design plays a huge role. When someone sees a creative logo and other material design that persona will make a relation between that design and the service they offer, from that time when ever that person think of those services the same brand design will come to his mind.   To create a good brand name in market you need to have designs that are eye-catching, results in action from the target audience,   3. Delivers Your Message   A good graphics designer must know the message a business is trying to deliver to the audience. Designers use elements like color text and style so that the design can convey your message to your audience. Have you ever thought why banks use blue and green color?   Well, Blue creates the impression of trust and security also color green creates the feelings of richness and fame, so you see designs can communicate with audience on another lever something even verbal communications can do.   4. Builds Friendliness In Market   To gain trust in market graphics design is an must. With a good logo, brochure business cards or other marketing materials audience is loaded with a lot of confidence. A good design will assist you to win clients and a lot of those clients will become loyal to your business.   5. Good Designs Are Engaging   Good graphic design enables your audience to fully understand your images, flyers, videos etc. and the story imbedded in them that your business is trying to convey. A good graphic designer will create designs that are engaging, catches attention and results in higher traffic.   6. Saves Time And Money   Bad graphic design cost your business money in the long run. What good is a brochure if it is so messy and poorly designed that the readers gives up before they can find the information they were looking for, like the services, contact details? You can Save time and money by contacting a professional graphic designer from the start. Poorly designed visual pieces will not only steer potential customers away from your business, they will cost you money in the long run when you have to fix or redo them.    Well-executed, timeless graphic design is a must for an ever-changing and evolving online world. To get best designs you can hire a designer.

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8 Tips for Securing your Home Wifi Network

Now a days a lot of devices use wireless technology and as you may have guessed keeping these devices secure has brought some challenges. So, what you could you do to keep them safe? we have listed the best techniques for you here: 1. Change the default username and password When you purchase a wireless router/access point it come in with company made default Username and password. These usernames and passwords will be different based on Brand of your device but people can easily find these by going to their websites. So always make sure to change these default usernames and passwords.When changing your WIFI password, use a longer phrase that’s unique to that device. Don’t use any obvious or personal information, such as your name or birthday, during this process. 2. Limit access to your network You need to limit the number of people that know your credentials or have access to your network, the more people know your credentials the higher your risk of data loss, data corruption or other.If you still need to give access to someone connect that person to a Guest network and configure your device to treat that network as low security/high risk network and limit inter network communication between Guest network and your home network. 3. Do network encryption Majority of wireless routers have an encryption feature. most router though have it turned off by default. Turning on your wireless router’s encryption setting will help secure your network. Make sure you turn it on immediately after your broadband provider installs the router.This will prevent anyone from eavesdropping on your WiFi network without logging into your wireless network. Just remember that you will have to reconnect all of your devices to your wireless network after you enable this. 4. Enable Firewall Firewalls are designed to protect computers from viruses , malware, and other harmful intrusions. Most wireless routers are preloaded with excellent hardware-based firewall options. A good firewall helps to prevent unwanted traffic from entering or leaving your wireless network without your knowledge. WIFI devices are sometimes shipped with these firewalls turned off. Check that your wireless router’s firewall is turned onUsing your router’s firewall may slow down your internet speeds. As a solution, you can turn off the firewall when you’re performing tasks that require a faster connection. Once you’re done, just turn it back on. 5. Do not enable remote access While accessing your device from remote location brings in some advantages but it is very risky. When you enable remote access in your wireless device you are opening interface toward internet to be used to access the device ,it gives people ability to try to log in to your device. And we all know that all passwords can be cracked in time so best solution is to never allow remote access to your device. 6. Turn off network name (SSID) Broadcasting When using a wireless router, it is recommended that you disable network name broadcasting. When nearby users try to find a Wi-Fi network, their device will show a list of nearby networks from which they can select. If you disable name broadcasting, your network won’t show up in nearby device list, keeping your Wi-Fi connection invisible to those who don’t know to look for it. 7. Turn off your Wi-Fi when not at home It is simple but one of the easiest methods to protect your home network from attack is to turn it off when you’re not at home. Your home Wi-Fi network doesn’t need to be on all the time. Turning off your Wi-Fi when you’re away from home reduces the chances of opportunistic hackers attempting to break into your home network when you’re not in. This will guarantee that your network is completely safe. 8. Use VPN Virtual private networks are very useful in protecting your connections. VPNs use encryptions to secure your data in transit. You can use VPNs like Psyphone, Northon, Betternet or other well known VPNs to secure your connection. When you are using VPN even if attackers gets access to your network they wont be able to read your data due to encryption.

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10 Ways to increase Website Traffic

1. Do Keyword Research Do a keywords research based on type of business and targeted audience, this research can easily be done with the help of online tools such as Google keywords. With this tool businesses can list keywords with search volume based on area. Include these keywords in the website naturally and remember that the primary focus is readability rather than search engine. 2. Create Good Content People use internet and search engines to look for answers to their problems or guidance. If you have addressed their concerns in advance, google will list your solution to them. And good Content helps your business build a relationship with your audience. You can answer their questions and interact with customers. When you provide content without taking anything in return, your audience is more likely to trust you. Resulting in increased traffic to your website. 3. Write Guest Posts for others A good method to increase backlinks (backlinks are very important and google will consider your website a high authority site) is to do guest posts to other sites. By doing so you will increase your backlinks and in return google will increase your ranking in Search engine results page. You should list all relevant websites that allow guest posts, check their sites authority level, read their rules for backlinks. 4. Be active on Social media Pages Social media is great in attracting quests, with so many platforms used by people of different interests you can create contents in a way to be attractive to all of them. Some of the techniques are listed belowa. Post your contents in social media like blogs, infographics, videos, images …b. Use Hashtagsc. Interact with your followers, answer their questions, Tag them in posts when relevant. d. Optimize your social media accounts e. Tag relevant sites of influencers in relevant posts if they are interestedf. Post good content on social media to increase clicks to your siteg. Link your site for questions asked by followers for which you might already have answers 5. Use Advertising to Increase Website Traffic Advertising via paid search and social media ads is very useful in increasing website traffic. But before investing a lot of money in paid advertisement a thorough research must be done.For instance, when doing pay per click (PPC) ads, it’s important to start with one campaign and a few different ad groups containing the keywords you want to target most. Once campaigns begin, see how audiences behave with various keywords. Maybe one keyword only resulted in impressions, which didn’t increase website traffic, while another resulted in clicks and conversions. 6. Send Email Newsletters You can promote site and content with the help of Email newsletter. Below are the best practices for email marketinga. Include good information from the content in the subject line and in the body of the email.b. Insert a button or link that subscriber can click to read more of the content.c. Make sure emails are mobile-friendly and optimized for different screens. since 46% of all email opens are done on mobile devices.d. Including name of the subscriber in your email..e. Use good email template for newslettersf. Conduct testing to see which type of emails receive more opens and clicks. 7. Influencer Outreach Influencers will always share contents that will benefit them and their followers will like. There are some ways you can do this a. Tag the influencer in social media postsb. Pay influencers to post your content in their accountc. Do an interview with influencer and then tag them in post or send them the content so they can post 8. Include business blog First of all, your business needs a blog where you can regularly publish useful, content on your site. This is a must and you cannot survive without this, this is why. businesses who blog get 97% more links to their websites. Businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors compared to businesses that don’t. businesses with blogs are 13 times more likely to generate positive ROI. With the help of blogs you are looking to post solutions to readers problems or simply post educational content, meaning you are offering readers something they can benefit from giving them a reason to visit your site. 9. follow evergreen topics Creating content for the trending topic is fine you will get a boost in your website visitors but it is not going to last very long as in near future there will be better trending topics and your will lose traffic. Focusing on topics that will always stay relevant and useful will benefit you even many folds in the long run. You need to identify ever green contents in your specific field. 10. Write attractive headlines Blog Headlines are very important you can think of it this way. A user searches for saometing and Google lists sites with relevant content now which site will the user actually visit is the ranking in the list but more so if the site is providing same information that was searched by user. User will get to conclusion after reading the headline of your post. 11. Incorporate video While it is good to have text based content but you shall also incorporate video based contents as well main to get listed in video based search in google and due to the fact that some people prefer visuals. Here are some ways you can include video in your site:a. Embed videos in your blogs so they can appear in google searchb. Do SEO for youtube to rank higher on youtube and link to your sitec. Add button directly to your video that sends users to websiteBy implementing above steps, you are guaranteed to get boost in website traffic, some of which will be soon while others will be in long run.

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What are On-page SEO and Off-Page SEO?

What is SEO? SEO is the process of improving web pages so they rank high in search engines for a specific keyword phrase. SEO is divided in two categories: on-page optimization and off-page optimization. On-page optimization it refers to every method you use that change the page code; off-page optimization equals link popularity. On-page SEO Search engines are constantly improving their algorithm so they can provide more relevant results. A relevant site is one that provides quality content for its readers so after you have chosen your keyword phrases build the content of your pages around those keywords. On page SEO means the code page optimization so, in this phase, you should pay special attention to the following: 1. Title Tag The title tag is one of the most important factors in achieving high rankings. A title tag is essentially an HTML code that creates the words that appear in the top bar of your Web browser. Usually, the Title Tag is the first element in the area of your site, followed by the Meta Description and the Meta Keywords Tags. These are the general rules you should follow when optimizing your title tag: · Use in your title maximum 3 keyword phrases and 100 characters · If possible , don’t use stop words like “a, and, or” .· Avoid spam: don’t repeat the same keyword in your title more than twice; it’s considered spam. Also, some engines penalize for using all CAPS. 2. Meta Description tag The META description tag describes your site’s content, giving search engines’ spiders an accurate summary filled with multiple keywords. The META description tag should contain multiple keywords organized in a logical sentence.· Place the keywords phrase at the beginning of your description to achieve the best possible ranking. · Many SE’s use this to describe your site so make sure you not only repeat each of your keyword phrases (max 3) at least once but make this a true representation of the page that the visitor will be viewing, and try to keep it under 255 chars.· Place the keywords phrase at the beginning of your description to achieve the best possible ranking.· Many SE’s use this to describe your site so make sure you not only repeat each of your keyword phrases (max 3) at least once but make this a true representation of the page that the visitor will be viewing, and try to keep it under 255 chars. 3. The Meta Keywords Tag The meta keywords tag allows you to provide additional text for crawler-based search engines to index along with your body copy. How does this help you? Well, for most major crawlers, it doesn’t. That’s because most crawlers now ignore the tag. The meta keywords tag is sometimes useful as a way to reinforce the terms you think a page is important for on the few crawlers that support it. For instance, if you had a page about penis pills — AND you say the words penis pills at various places in your body copy — then mentioning the words “penis pills” in the meta keywords tag MIGHT help boost your page a bit higher for those words. 4. Body text This is what your surfers will actually see when coming to your site. There are many issues to consider when placing keywords in the text of your pages. Most search engines index the full text of each page, so it’s vital to place keywords throughout your text. However, each search engine uses different ranking algorithms. These are general rules that everyone should follow: a)Make sure your main page have your main keywords. It has a higher chance of being indexed than your other pages, and it will be the only page indexed by some engines. Some engines rank a page high if it has at least 100 words, so make that your minimum. Directories include pages based on the quality of their content, so make sure your pages aren’t simply lists of keywords.b)The H1, H2…H6 tagsare given special relevancy weight, and you should plan to integrate your keywords into your heading. You don’t have to go extreme, just use one H1 for your most important keyword and two H2’s – one for each of your secondary keyword phrases.c)Bolding and italicizing your keywords at least once doesn’t hurt and actually gives you a very small boost (recommended, but don’t go bolding every keyword on the page).d)When creating your content pages, keep the following four concepts in mind: Keyword prominence, proximity, density and frequency.e)Keyword prominence- the best place to place keywords in the text is at the top of each page, preferably the main page. The closer your keywords are to the start of the page or the start of a sentence, the better. This concept is known as “keyword prominence.” You’ll frequently see it used to describe search engines’ algorithms. Some engines also say the bottom of the page should contain keywords as well. Here is an example how search engines see your page. You have a page with the following links at top:Home Services Contact and this heading : OUR DATING COMPANY IS OFERING THE BEST RATED DATING SERVICES Now, you think you did a best job with the keyword “dating “at the top of your page. A search engine, however, sees your page this way: Home Services Contact OUR DATING COMPANY IS OFERING THE BEST RATED DATING SERVICENow your keyword placement doesn’t look as good as it did before. Try to place keyword-rich text at the very top of your page. If you are using images at the top of your page, make sure to include ALT tags, which are basically images’ descriptions. Always add ALT tags to your images to make sure search engines recognize all the content on your site. ALT tags filled with keywords can also be used to boost your keyword frequency and help you achieve better rankings.f)Keyword Proximity- some engines, such as Google, use the concept of “keyword proximity” as

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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is the technique of improving a website to increase its visibility when clients search for products or services. The more a website is visible to the world the more chances are that the business will get clients. Website visibility is mostly counted as the ranking or placement of website on search engine results, where everyone is competing to be on first page.If we take Google in consideration, in the search engine results page ads are placed in top followed by regular search results which are called organic search results. The SEO process aims to increase the organic search result of a business that will increase organic search traffic to the site.Organic search traffic is normally high-quality traffic because users are actively searching for a specific product, topic or service for which a site might rank. If a user finds that site via the search engine, it will lead to better brand engagement. How SEO works Search engine uses bots to crawl every page of a website, downloading and storing that information into a collection is known as an index. The index is like a library and when someone searches for something, The search engine pulls and displays relevant information from the search query and shows users relevant contents. Search engine algorithms analyze webpages in the index to determine the order those pages should be displayed on the search engine results page.Which factors are evaluated by Algorithms There are a lot of factors that are evaluated by algorithms to specify which contents from index are displayed in Search engine results page but most important factors are 1. Meaning of the query To return results that are relevant a search engine must first understand what the user is looking for which is called intent. To understand user intent a search engine is looking to understand language, interpreting spelling mistakes, and that some words can mean different in different context 2. Relevance of webpages The search engine will check the content of website and find out if they are relevant to what the user intended. This can be determined if the webpage contains keywords included in the search. These keywords can be in headings, Body or even URL of the webpage. 3. Quality of the content Search engines will prioritize the contents based on the quality of the website. The intelligence in the search engines determines which websites are more trustworthy so they can be ranked higher 4. Usability of webpages Accessibility and Web design play a big part in search rankings. The algorithm checks how the site appears in different browsers, if it’s responsive (designed for different device types — such as desktops, tablets and phones) and if the web page loads fast for slow connection 5. Context and settings Search engines algorithms use information from previous search history and search settings to determine which results are most useful to a users. Location can be used to determine which results are accurate based on the user. For example someone searching for cricket in Australia will get different results than a user searching the same in united states. Need help optimizing your website for SEO ? Check Our search engine optimization packages.

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Why is Digital Marketing important?

Affordability Digital marketing has opened up the space of marketing to smaller and medium-sized businesses bringing them to a level where they can compete with big corporations. Marketing through social media advertisements and Search engines adds campaigns costs a fraction of the cost of printing Banners, Leaflets and can be directed to the desired client. Mobile Access: The majority of people own a smartphone and they are much more likely to use that smartphone to browse News, social media, and many other activities, Digital marketing helps you reach them with marketing ads, emails, and text marketing. Your business will be in front of them while they are active on their smartphone. Flexibility: There are many types of Digital marketing. For example, Banner adds Email marketing, social media posts, content marketing, and more. So by utilizing Digital marketing you open up a wide range of possibilities. With digital marketing, you also have the flexibility of testing and stopping poorly performing campaigns in real-time. Expansion: A lot of consumers do almost all of their shopping online. Digital marketing lets you appeal to these people and expand the reach of your company. By Google Ads and brand awareness campaigns, you can expand your brand recognition and boost sales. Speed: You can also get your message out quicker in the virtual world, a click of a mouse button is all that it takes to be found online. When compared to the much longer process of getting printed materials produced and distributed, it means that companies can be much faster with their messaging. A Facebook or Twitter post will take a couple of minutes to reach a wide number of people compared to the lengthy process of printing and delivering paper ads. Engagement: One of the biggest reasons digital marketing has become so important is the engagement it provides– you can communicate with your customers, answer questions and resolve issues. You can also interact with a wider audience at the same time, meaning you can do more than just sell. You can seek out collaborations or campaigns for subcontractors or the professional opinions of your peers on project work too. By getting your audience to share pages you can increase your profile, and receive their endorsement in the process. Tracking: Digital marketing allows businesses to track their client’s activities, they can monitor which ads and content types they saw before they made their purchase. This in turn helps businesses understand which marketing methods are working for them and enables them to refine their strategy.

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How to create a website

How to Create a Website For any business, the majority of customers will be from the internet. Whether you are selling products, offering service or have downloadable content having a website is a must.To get your website online you will need to follow 4 steps 1. Get Domain Name Domain name is address of your website which clients will type in their browsers to get to your site. For example You should try to get a domain name that reflects your products and services so that clients can find you easily.To get a Domain name you need to find a domain name registrar and pay a monthly or yearly fee. These are the best Domain registrars you can visit NameCheap Godady Crazydomain 2. Find a webhosting After getting (registering) your domain name you have to find a webhosting company that will host your website. There are a lot of web hosting providers and different hosting packages with average cost from 6AUD/month up to 120AUD/month or more. The cost mainly depends on type of website we want and the number of visits to our site.These are some of the web hosting providers WordPress Bluehost Hostgator hostinger 3. Prepare content In this step you need to know what your customers will be doing on your sites what features will be there. This will help you identify how your website is structured, what are the different pages on your site. Because a website that is easy to use will help your business stand out. Having relevant images and appropriate content will help your customer know what you are offering and increase your total sales. 4. Building Website You can build your own website or have a professional website developer build it for you.You can use CMS (Content Management Systems) to easily build your website if you don’t have any coding knowledge. CMS like WordPress is pretty easy to build a simple website on, with its drag and drop features and plugins you can have your website within hours.Having a professional Website developer to build your website is a good idea if you have limited knowledge of websites. A professional can develop websites fast, easy to use and optimized meaning it will look good in any device, like Computer, Tablet and Smartphones. A Professional developer may also from experience develop sites that attract more customers. Hiring a professional is important if you want to Code your website or have online store with alot of products.If you are overwhelmed by all the requirements you need to fulfill or don’t have time to develop your website checkout Trusted eagle’s website development service we offer the most affordable solutions.

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7 Ways a professional website will grow your business

Nowadays having a professional website is a must, as with any storefront a professional website attracts customer. Having a good looking, informative, complete and user-friendly website can help a business substantially. Below are the ways a good website will grow your business. 1. Stand out from other businesses A great website will make you stand out from crowd as many businesses lacks the interest to invest in a professional website. A website enables you to communicate with your client without them having to visit your location. A website that is professional looking, according to the customer needs and easy to navigate will help business on many levels. 2. Clients will reach you easily As stated previously these days people rarely visit a location physically and as we are advancing in technology this trend will get even higher so businesses of today needs to have online presence specifically a website. A website won’t only help clients but will help the owner as well reducing the time required to address each individual client now they can post all the required data online in the website and everyone can access them as per their own comfort. 3. Increased online presence There are a lot of social media platforms to use for a business’s online presence which is a great idea but to further increase your online presence you must have a professional website also keep in mind that not all of your clients will be using social media. Also the way a professional website provides accurate and organized data to customer a social media wont on a website you are more flexible on how to display your content due to the fact you own your website. 4. Increased credibility and trust Now a days having professional looking websites adds substantial credibility to your business as on older days a physical locations did. There are 4 types of credibility Presumed credibility: Brands we have heard of is more credible to us than an unknown one Surface credibility: it’s what we think of a business by visiting their website. How its designed how the site is providing info to client who are they affiliated with etc. Earned credibility: mostly earned via satisfying a client, in sense of solving an issue client might have or designing a product… Reputed credibility: referral from others, family, friends or colleagues A professional website can surely help any business increase credibility in any of the above categories. 5. Reduced advertisement cost A website being able to provide information to millions of people at once that also with minimal cost of website maintenance is great achievement and an essential tool for businesses no more printing advertisements and banners just allow a search engine like Google to make you visible to your customers. You can create add campaign faster covering wider area and with fraction of cost compared to paper advertisements. 6. Better customer service Having a website that addresses all your needs will make your customer service very smooth. With a website you can easily address all complains, orders, inquiries and appointments. By adding a Frequently asked questions or FAQ section in to your website will make a ton f difference, clients will be able to find most of the solutions there and for the customers that requires a more personal approach you can have an online chat integrated in the website. 7. Increased customer reach Digitally you area reachable via every device that is linked to the internet, having a professional website will increase your reach further from a small area. You can have your products delivered to any location your client needs, with your online presence you can expand your business to other cities and countries and if it is digital product anyone with an internet connection can have access to it.

7 Ways a professional website will grow your business Read More »