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Wireless VS wired network; which one to chose ?

Its challenging to decide to have, Wireless VS wired network which one to chooseKnowing the differences between both can help you choose which is ideal for your organization. 

It is understood that setting up wireless network is easy, you just do basic initial configuration of wireless access point. Then connect your computer or mobile phone to it and they will remember the password so you don’t need to do anything else. But still we see a wired network everywhere. So lets compare both networks and see which one is better wired or wireless.

1. Security

While WIFI has come a long way since it was initially developed, there are a lot of security protocols and encryptions to keep you save but signal of a wireless network is pushed beyond your office/home which enables others to launch an attach on your network on the other hand a wired network stays within your area and if installed correctly will provide you a better security than wireless networks.

2. Speed

Wireless device found in market are packed with more speed than an average user will ever need but if you are doing a lot of HD video streaming, gaming, Data backups you will feel the low speed of a wireless network. A wired network is always faster than WiFi as it uses dedicated wire for each device.

3. Reliability

Though wireless connections are pretty much reliable these days, but nothing beats reliability of a wired network. WiFi networks are prone to interference from other signals may they be from another WiFi router or other wireless devices. Also wireless networks have the disadvantage when against thick walls. On the other hand a wired network is unaffected by all these and gives the best reliability.

4. Latency

Latency is the delay in your network before data is transmitted so best network is the one with the lower latency, latency is important for some specific systems and usage like when you are doing an online game, if you have high latency your moves will appear to be jerky and not smooth comparatively. You are more likely to have low latency with wired network.

5. Installation

This is where wireless network is the clear winner. With a WIFI you don’t need to do Ducting in walls or ceiling, you don’t have to make extra effort to hide the ugly wires everywhere, also you don’t need any professional help setting up WiFi all you need to do is connect the WIFI access point and do some basic setup. 
Moreover, with WIFI you don’t need to keep a list of all wires and know which one goes where. There is no effect of environment on the WIFI networks but wires can decay if they get wet they can even be destroyed by rats or other animals.

6. Mobility

With a wired network you are stuck at a single location and cant do much about it. But a WIFI network gives you the ability to roam around. You can be doing your job or entertainment from any room you prefer.
Both Wireless and Wired networks exist in 2022 and will remain in future, which one you use depends entirely on you and what you do. 
If you are working with highly sensitive data and speed, reliability is at highest importance then wired network is the best solution, on the other hand if low cost, ease of installation, mobility and easy maintenance is what you are looking for then WIFI will be the ideal solution. Knowing the differences between both can help you choose which is ideal for your organization. 
Knowing the differences between Wireless VS wired network helps you to choose which is ideal for your organization. For more update you can follow Trusted Eagle IT which is the best IT company in Australia.

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